26 June 2008


R.I.P. 1937-2008

Enjoy those pork chops with the Invisible Man in the Sky.

Where have I been?

Yeah, no kidding. It's been over 2 months since the last post. I spent the early part of May traveling around the East Coast (Philly, NYC, Providence, Boston). Saw some friends, saw some bands, bought some crap, etc. Then spent the middle part of May enjoying Chaos In Tejas.

The LEATHERFACE handbill you see here is the last thing I designed/printed. It was for a 'secret' Beerland matinee show they played. Their set was much better at Beerland than their set Emo's set the night before. A little less rusty, a little more sober. SOCIAL CIRCKLE were great as well. It was my first time seeing them; hope to see them again someday soon.

Late May & most of June has been spent running back & forth from Austin to Corpus Christi trying to handle more stuff w/ my mom's estate. It's really time consuming, and I'm nowhere close to being done. SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE SOON. Stay tuned.

Oh yeah, I got my first-ever root canal yesterday. Yay?